Questionnaire of perception on anti-corruption measures in Calarasi district

Questionnaire of perception on anti-corruption measures in Calarasi district

Chestionar perceptie masuri anticoruptie in Raionul Calarasi Ro
Chestionar perceptie masuri anticoruptie in Raionul Calarasi Ru

The questionnaire is developed by the Resource Center for Human Rights - CReDO within the project "Progress and impediments in strengthening integrity in Orhei and Calarasi districts", implemented under the Small Grants Program for alternative monitoring of sectoral and local anti-corruption plans of the project "Fight with corruption by consolidating integrity in the Republic of Moldova", implemented by UNDP Moldova with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The online questionnaire can be accessed at the link:

The Russian version:

Attached are the pdf versions in Romanian and Russian, they can be sent to the address:


CReDO will monitor SNIA action plans in Calarasi and Orhei districts CReDO will monitor SNIA action plans in Calarasi and Orhei districts