Declaration condemning the Russian Federation’s actions of forced intervention

Declaration condemning the Russian Federation’s actions of forced intervention

Declaration and public position condemning the Russian Federation’s actions of forced intervention which resulted in the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea – a part of Ukraine, and taking the necessary security measures for the Republic[EN]
Declarația de condamnare a acțiunilor Federației Ruse de intervenție cu forță soldate cu anexarea de facto a Republicii Autonome Crimeia – părții componente a Ucrainei și acțiunile necesare privind s[RO]
Declarația de condamnare a acțiunilor Federației Ruse de intervenție cu forță soldate cu anexarea de facto a Republicii Autonome Crimeia – părții componente a Ucrainei și acțiunile necesare privind s[RU]


condemning the Russian Federation’s actions of forced intervention which resulted in the  annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea – a part of Ukraine, and taking the necessary security measures for the Republic of Moldova

                                                 March 27, 2014, Chișinău, Moldova

We consider that the aggressive act committed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which resulted in the annexation of Crimea conforming with the darkest precedents of the past decades, severely damaging the entire international security system, especially the security of those states which have willingly given up their nuclear weapons in return for international guarantees.   

The consequences of the violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity leads to serious risks for maintaining peace and stability in Eastern Europe, by undermining the guarantees awarded to Ukraine through the 1994 Budapest Agreement; moreover, trade and investment will be seriously affected in times of a very difficult economic crisis in Europe.

The current reality and these new challenges require prompt actions for ensuring proper security risk management in the region.

In order to avoid the rapid worsening of the situation, we ask to bring the security topic to a new level of dialogue and collaboration within the Eastern Partnership, with the involvement of NATO and USA. The mutual commitment which will result from this dialogue will strengthen regional security and stability and will consolidate democratic institutions in the Eastern Partnership countries.

Aiming at reducing the risks of escalating challenges, we ask the maximum possible speed in signing the Association Agreements with Republic of Moldova and Georgia, offering these countries and the Ukraine the status of EU candidates and the status of EU members in the foreseeable future. Through common and coherent efforts, our strong wish is to stop those who intend to re-divide Europe into spheres of influence, who deny the right of our populations to independently decide their own fates.   

See the full text of Public Position (below)

 condemning the Russian Federation’s actions of forced intervention which resulted in the  annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea – a part of Ukraine, and taking the necessary security measures for the Republic of Moldova

National Participation Council (CNP),
Eastern Partnership Platform Moldova
National NGO Council of Moldova,
