Parliament Staff: Functional Analysis and Assessment of Institutional Capacities

Parliament Staff: Functional Analysis and Assessment of Institutional Capacities

Parliament Staff: Functional Analysis and Assessment of Institutional Capacities[EN]
Aparatul Parlamentului: analiza funcţională şi evaluarea capacităţilor instituţionale[RO]
Аппарат Парламента: функциональный анализ и оценка институционального потенциала[RU]

Parliament Staff: Functional Analysis and Assessment of Institutional Capacities

Functional analysis of the Moldovan Parliament staff and assessment of institutional capacities is an integral part of the UNDP project Functional Analysis of the Staff of the Moldovan Parliament and Assessment of Institutional Capacities, which aims to improve the management of the Parliament staff. The study focuses on the analysis of functional and institutional capacities of the Parliament staff. The study will result in the development of the Institutional Development Plan of the Parliament staff for 2011-2014.

Key conclusions
The Parliament exercises all the basic functions characteristic of a legislative body:

-    Legislative,
-    Surveillance (parliamentary control),
-    Representation, and
-    Interaction and networking with civil society, businesses and public authorities extra-parliamentary environment.

Th  The social context in which the Parliament operates offers many opportunities for interaction with similar regional and international parliaments. This interaction is a good source of inspiration and transfer of positive practices and tools. The challenges related to the complexity of political and economic events and the challenges characteristic of transition countries are difficult challenges for the Parliament. They are accompanied by the lack of a suitable building for the Parliament to operate.

The legislative function is one of the most consolidated, since the Parliament has extensive experience in this regard. It should, however, be noted that this function can be strengthened upon improving the methodology of drafting the legislation related to the assessment or review of the ex-ante impact of draft laws; ensuring full transparency for all stakeholders of the circulation of draft legislative acts in all readings and examinations in standing committees; engaging consultants with skills in economics, statistics, legislation drafting techniques, EU institutions and policies. Currently, a number of draft laws have been adopted without identifying the social and economic impact and without adequate participation of stakeholders.

Th lThe legal framework is practically suitable for the Parliament to exercise the function of supervision of the executive and of autonomous authorities. However, the performance of this function is poor due to it being ignored by most Members of Parliament and due to insufficient allocation of time by the consultants of commissions and by the Parliament staff. The supervision of autonomous authorities is practically carried out only partially, which is insufficient for the achievement of tangible results. The supervision of executive authorities is more noticeable, but it is often seen as a tool for the opposition to settle accounts with to the government of the majority and not a continuous process of improvement of government performance. A serious obstacle is the censoring of the supervisory function by the political majority, whatever it may be.
