Report on the Monitoring of Freedom of Assembly in Moldova between January and December 2009[EN]
Raportul de monitorizare a libertăţii de întrunire în Republica Moldova în perioada ianuarie – decembrie 2009[RO]
Доклад о мониторинге свободы собраний в Республике Молдова в период с января по декабрь 2009 года[RU]
Report on the Monitoring of Freedom of Assembly in Moldova
between January and December 2009
The report has been prepared
within the project implemented by the Resource Centre for Human Rights (CReDO) between
January and August 2009, supported by the Soros Foundation Moldova. The informational
basis of the report was completed by monitoring the freedom of assembly between
September and December 2009 with the support of the OSCE Mission to Moldova.
The report presents the observations on the freedom of assembly made during
2009, as well as the analysis of the developments in the field according to the
information collected as compared to earlier periods. The report presents and
analyzes the legal and practical framework in which the freedom of assembly is
exercised in Moldova. It records the progress in the implementation of the new
law on assemblies that entered into force in April 2008 and the progress in
adjusting the practical framework to the formal one. The report presents the
quantitative and qualitative evidence gathered during monitoring, which support
the theses stated.
Findings confirm a positive trend in the exercise of the freedom of assembly in
Moldova. For the organizers and participants in assemblies, the new legal
framework provides greater freedom in organizing and conducting peaceful
assemblies. The total number of assemblies and the number of spontaneous
assemblies has increased, and the rate of violent assemblies has decreased
(from 2.6% in 2008 to 2.1% in 2009).