CReDO Strategy 2011-2013

CReDO Strategy 2011-2013

CReDO Strategy 2011-2013[EN]
Strategia CReDO 2011-2013[RO]
Strategia CReDO 2011-2013[RU]

CReDO Strategy 2011-2013

This is the 5th strategic cycle on the bases of the Strategic Plan. The previous strategies and annual performance reports could be found at CReDO website. 

Organizational strategy:
The implementation of strategic objectives will be done by means of the products. The products
are the institutional-based results based on the technologies and comparative advantages built by

Product 1: Monitoring, research and advocacy on key civil and political rights and freedoms
Targeted Issues (progress reviews, specialized policy papers, legal submissions, lobby actions):
‐ freedom of assembly and association,
‐ torture and inhuman treatment,
‐ national minorities and nondiscrimination,
‐ religious freedoms.

Product 2: Monitoring, research and advocacy on social, welfare policies
Targeted Issues (progress reviews, specialized policy papers, legal submissions, lobby actions):
‐ Social and welfare policies, including efficiency and vulnerable groups,
‐ Health policies, including efficiency and vulnerable groups,
‐ Educational policies, including efficiency and vulnerable groups.

Product 3: Monitoring, research and advocacy on the quality of governance, transparency and
efficiency of the state institutions
Targeted Issues (progress reviews, specialized policy papers, legal submissions, lobby actions):
‐ Transparency and rational of decision-making,
‐ Efficiency of organization and functions,
‐ Allocation of budgetary resources for policies and their effectiveness,
‐ Accountability and performance of government,
‐ Police reform, law enforcements.

Product 4: Lobby and advocacy with EU Human Rights Dialogue, OSCE/ODIHR, CoE, UN
Institutions that will be provided with shadow reports and presentations (regular submissions,
interactions, individual complaints, lobby actions):
‐ CoE: Committee of Ministers, PACE, FCNM, ECRI,
‐ EU: Human Rights Dialogue, EU Parliament, EC Commission,
‐ EU, US diplomats, embassies upon missions and informal discussions.

Product 5: Capacity building for effective policy-making
Skills-based professional training (modularized programs):
‐ Public and civic leadership,
‐ Public policy analysis, design and implementation,
‐ Public management.

Product 6: Feeding human rights and democratization subjects into public and media agenda
Acting through:
‐ Active participation in high ranking talk-shows, discussions (,,
M1, InfoNeo-Prim, etc),
‐ Feeding into media presence with issues and subjects,
‐ Upgrading internet media presence,
‐ Policy-papers organized with policy-briefs.
