Annual Activity Report CReDO 2013

Annual Activity Report  CReDO 2013



 Annual Activity Report  CReDO 2013


This is the 13th annual executive report of the organization. CReDO is in its last year of implementation of the 3rd organizational development cycle based on the 2009-2013 Strategic Plan. However, the upcoming parliamentary ellections in November 2014 is likely to affect strategic planning process for the elaboration of the new 4th Strategic Plan for the next 3 years.

The parliamentary elections will represent a point where either the country will continue its European integration agenda with the current Coalition in power or this decision will be subject of consideration from the current opposition returning to power after some 5 years. The strategic choices depend thus entirely on the the outcome of the ellections. In the former case, CReDO strategy will be European value based constructive engagement, while with the last election come, the strategy might be reconsidered.

CReDO is among the most influencial policy analysis and advocacy organization, lately gaining its strong position in influencing wide range of policies from institutional reforms and democratization to human rights policies at the Cabinet of Ministers level as CReDO holds the chairmanship of the National Participation Council (CNP). To mention just few, non-discrimination law, greater independence of law-enforcement agencies, reform of police and Security Agency have been largely shaped be CReDO role. CReDO remained the leading actor in enforcing a most liberal and democratic law on public assemblies in the region. Our representatives are relied heavily on international level (OSCE/ODIHR, CoE and EU) for the assembly, policing and fair trial reforms.

The report offers a detailed overview of the organization’s expenditure continuing the tradition established in 2000 of providing society with all the information necessary for the organization’s activity. CReDO practices principles of transparency and organizational responsibility, the audit report confirms the high quality of the organization’s financial system.

The activity report is built of 4 chapters. The introductory chapters are followed by the description of activities in the field of policy analysis and of advocacy and lobby. Further follows the chapter describing the results of implementation of policies promoting human rights and democracy and empowerment of vulnerable groups. The chapter on capacity building describes training programs and the activity of the informational centre. The final chapter contains financial information and the audit report. Annexes contain information about the beneficiaries of the organization’s activities.

A key challenge will be 2014 (fall) Parliamentary elections that might change the configuration of the political majority. The likely change in the governing majority might shift the paradigm and the framework of the involvement of the civil society with the Government. A challenge constitutes unfinished reforms in the justice, anticorruption and independence/efficiency of public institutions. Another challenge is the building of the influence of the civil society sector on the policy-process in the Parliament. CReDO will continue to provide leadership in improving the role of the civil society organizations at the government level raising civil society influence and making the Government more open and accountable and will set the course for making similar achievements with the Parliament.

CReDO will stay focused on the end-policyprocess influence with the direct and specific policy opinions, legal amendments and solutions as proven to be the effective policy influence process. It proven to be the most efficient way of influencing the policy process by developing rapid ability to research quickly into the matter subject and provide direct policy advice in a format of several pages that are both legally sound and economically, socially and politically implementable.
